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Sheridan Sooben

General Tips

Try your best.

Never give up.

Believe in yourself without being overconfident.

Plan your time well.

Sleep well and enjoy the journey.



Keep a small copybook and write the main points given in marking schemes for the theory part.
For practice part, just practise and try to understand everything.


Practise a lot and understand everything.


Rewrite your notes and again try to understand instead of parrot learning.


Write facts and stats for each topic and learn them.

General Paper

Same as for French.

Here is an inspiring Story that Sheridan is sharing with you...

After my 1st attempt, what hurt the most wasn't that I missed it but it hurt that I knew that I didn't give my best and could have done much better. After my 2nd attempt, I no longer really cared about the result but was just so satisfied that I gave my very best. Look for that satisfaction and I'm sure everything will always be great for you.

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