There are no "secrets" or shortcuts to success in your studies.
All you need to succeed is the right mindset and the right techniques.
These are what you will learn here...
Fawwaaz Rusmaully
General Tips
Start working from the very beginning. Summarise every chapter once completed, practice questions - in ascending order of difficulty and preferably independent qu. not from past papers - and note and clear doubts.
Practice ALL past papers - not just from most recent years - by yourself. Have teachers mark essays and structured questions. Only use mark schemes for non-theory papers. Consult the examiner report for each paper and highlight important points.
Stay within the limits of syllabi. Do not waste your time and effort with advanced concepts and other examination boards unless it improves your understanding of an examinable topic.
Plan your work carefully and set achievable goals. Do not work for too many daily hours both collectively and successively. Take half-hour breaks every 2 hours if possible. As far as possible, try to have at least a day with no tuition. Find time for extra-curricular activities.
Believe in yourself. Do not bother about other 'competitors' and concentrate on improving yourself. Do not pressurise yourself by overthinking things. Take a step by step approach.
Practice as many questions as possible within the syllabus. Note down difficult questions from each topic to review before exams. When revising, scrutinise every step to avoid simple arithmetic mistakes. Attempt any difficult question last.
Do not rush through MCQs that seem familiar. Assess every possible answer (A to D) since most correct answers are obtained through elimination. Examine every question - structured and multiple choice - and case studies by highlighting key terms. Take your time to choose and plan structured questions. Practice structured questions regularly within the time limit. Prioritise understanding over memorising.
Practice and keep note of every variation of questions. Make sure to memorise formats of schedules and statements. Make sure you fully understand IAS and general accounting rules to better handle adjustments. Do not neglect structured 'theory' questions in your preparations as they now dominate exam papers.
General Paper
Prepare extensively about Mauritius as at least one relevant essay question is guaranteed each year. Use an ADEQUATE amount of real-life examples in essays - avoid listing too many examples by using 'such as', 'like', etc. Make sure your essays are well structured and balanced. Avoid clichés, be original.
For comprehension, practice a lot to know how to avoid 'lifting' and stick to concise but complete sentences when answering comprehension questions and for the summary. Prepare each of the 5 essay topics thoroughly through examples of real life events and statistics. Essays can be more scoring by linking topics.
Here is an inspiring Story that Fawwaaz is sharing with you...
My biggest struggle I would say was dealing with the weight of expectations. The misconception most people have is that constant reminder of the stakes gives extra motivation but it actually pulls you down.
I would advise anyone to simply compete with himself/herself. Do not be bothered by the 'competition' and expectations which barely matter. You set your own goals and the more composed and focused you are the more are your chances of reaching them.